Tell us a little about yourself
I am a road and trail running enthusiast. I’ve been practising this sport more seriously than before for three years now. Before, I used to cycle largely for fun. I came back to running to get fit for my first marathon. I’m now at the stage where I have two to run, and this season was to be a year where I focussed more on performance than on the fun side. I've been doing a course as a running coach to learn more about it and to be able to advise the athletes who want to improve their running.
What were your original objectives this spring?
My plan to start the year was to do the Ottawa marathon so that I could beat my PB of 3:04 and try to qualify for 2021 Boston. My aim was to run the marathon in 2:55 before enrolling in September. Next up, I’m training to run the QMT (Québec Méga Trail) 80 km - my first go at an ultra trail! Since the race hasn’t been cancelled, it is currently my main focus. I’d like to succeed in finishing in less than 10:30. My season should finish with the Chicago marathon in October. The objective will be to do it in less than 2:55 because the Ottawa marathon won’t take place.

How has your current training been affected?
Although Covid-19 has made an impact on my training, there have been enough alternatives to compensate. Since the confinement happened at the same time as spring came, transferring the treadmill outdoors was relatively straightforward. Although the lack of access to the training room sometimes limits interval workouts, the impact hasn’t been excessive. I also have to shuffle these because the temperature does not let me do them as I should.
Another impact of Covid-19 has been access to the trails. With most mountain trails inaccessible, I now have to find different locations to practise my trail running in order to train for the Quebec Mega Trail. So I’m obliged to go out and run in town, using the least frequented routes to limit any risks.
Thirdly, there’s the impact on social training. Normally, I go out twice a week, one with Quebec C.U.T.E. and once with Les Citrons pressés — and I'm working to launch Gringo's Running Club too! However, since the clubs have stopped, I must reorganize my activities just to avoid gatherings...
How did that affect your motivation?
Speaking personally, my motivation hasn’t changed. I run because I enjoy running and not just to compete. Races allow me to test the progress I’ve made in my training and to surpass myself. Even if the races don’t take place and I have to run on my own, the motivation is still the same. I continue practising my sport every day, profiting from every kilometer.
How have you restructured your race season?
For the moment, my race season hasn’t been restructured. With the cancellation of the Ottawa marathon, I’m going to have to find another race in order to qualify for Boston before September. However, since we don’t know when this pandemic will be over, I’m waiting to see which upcoming races might be able to take place before planning the season. Meanwhile, I’m sticking to the training plan for the QMT and Chicago, in the hope that these events will be possible.
How have you adapted your training?
My training plan hasn’t changed much. I’m focussing on training for the 80 km trail in July. I’ve adapted my training somewhat by adding more indoor training, suah as skipping and strength workouts. Being subject to restricted movement, I have more time to train, which lets me do more. I’m also increasing the amount of indoor training so as to limit non-essential excursions.
Most important of all, how are you staying motivated?
I stay motivated by appreciating to the full running outdoors and helping those that I coach to stay motivated. As I said before, I continue to appreciate doing sport and I’m content to be able to carry on doing so every day. Moreover, following certain athletes as they develop helps me to remain more motivated when I see their progress and their motivation regarding training.
Any new hobbies you have picked up with all this extra time at home?
No, I continue to concentrate on my training. I spend more time reading and watching various exercises on running and training.